Finiper Canova Group unveils its partnership with AWorld, the app endorsed by the UN to advocate for a more sustainable lifestyle.
Finiper Canova Group SpA, a leading Italian company in large-scale distribution, food service, and real estate development, announces its partnership with AWorld, the official app selected by the United Nations to promote a culture of sustainability towards achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals outlined in the UN 2030 Agenda.

Finiper Canova Group SpA, increasingly committed to sustainable and socially responsible practices, has undertaken one of its first initiatives to foster a culture of sustainability by offering its corporate community the opportunity to participate in a valuable and innovative training programme developed by the AWorld app. Through educational-themed games and challenges, all Group collaborators who decide to join the training programme can explore sustainability topics in depth and contribute by performing simple daily actions featured in the app.

After downloading the AWorld app, they will be divided into cross-company teams, allowing people from different parts of the Group to contribute by joining team or individual challenges, while learning how live more sustainably by changing their everyday habits.

"Upon the establishment of the new sustainability division and my role as Head of ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) at Finiper Group, my initial focus was on our over 10,000 employees, particularly regarding training and involvement in a sustainable culture. This project aims at encouraging our employees to lead a more conscious and responsible life, so that their individual contributions can complement the Group's efforts and make change possible," explains Michela Riva, Head of ESG at Finiper Canova Group.

Designed to actively engage all Finiper Group employees, the project will promote a virtuous 'green' competition among colleagues through motivating challenges, raising sustainability awareness through educational content and quizzes, and helping employees learn how to change their habits to minimise their environmental footprint.

Finiper Canova Group SpA
Founded in 1974, when the first Italian hypermarket was inaugurated in Montebello della Battaglia (PV), the Finiper Group is mainly active in large-scale distribution and is divided into four main segments: Iper La grande i hypermarkets, Unes supermarkets under the il Viaggiator Goloso brand, a number of food service brands (including Ristò, Rom'Antica, Caffè Portello and CremAmore) and real estate operations, which cover the management or co-management of shopping centres such as IL CENTRO in Arese and Portello in Milan. Operating in four regions (Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, and Emilia-Romagna), the Group is still controlled by its founder, entrepreneur Marco Brunelli, and features a network of 21 hypermarkets, 1 superstore, 238 supermarkets (105 of which are franchised), 6 shopping centres, and 91 food service locations (including self-service restaurants, pizzerias, cafés, and gelaterias), employing more than 10,000 people. By the end of 2021, Finiper reported sales totalling €2.7 billion.

AWorld is a tool designed to help and inspire people to live sustainably by measuring their environmental footprint. The B Corp-certified Italian startup developed the AWorld app, which was selected by the United Nations as the official platform for its ActNow campaign against climate change. AWorld encourages users to improve their habits and join the global challenge for a healthier, more sustainable world. The platform serves as an innovative stakeholder engagement tool used by organisations both in Italy and abroad. For further information, head to the official website

ActNow is the United Nation’s global campaign against climate change. This initiative is a vital component of the UN's coordinated efforts to raise awareness, ambition, and action to tackle climate change and expedite the implementation of the Paris Agreement. Promoted primarily through the AWorld mobile app and social media, ActNow drives a shift in behaviour by prompting sustainable actions and measuring their impact. For further information, head to the official website,
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