02 – 31 October 2023:
Finiper Canova Group confirms its commitment to support FAI — Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano (Italian Fund for the Environment)
For the fourteenth consecutive year, the Group reaffirms its support for the October fund-raising campaign supporting Italy's artistic and natural heritage, which this year has a new name: "FAI October — The Future of Italy in Our Hands".

For the fourteenth year running, the Finiper Canova Group brands, including Iper La grande i and Unes Supermercati, are supporting the national October fund-raising campaign promoted by FAI — Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano ETS, which aims to provide substantial funding to protect and celebrate Italy's cultural and natural heritage. This year, the main message is a call to action — "Play your part" — aimed at underlining that Italy's future is in our hands and that everyone can contribute to change, making a difference through their actions and within their means. From October 2 to 31, 2023, the Finiper Group encourages its customers to join in starting at €5 per basket. The entire amount is donated to FAI, and they receive the FAI Donor Card in return. The Card offers free entry to one of the 55 cultural properties open to the public, maintained by the Foundation nationwide, allowing holders to enjoy a unique experience in a beautiful, special setting. The list of publicly accessible sites is available on

The Finiper Canova Group has made a tangible commitment to the campaign by helping to raise and donate over €1,200,000 supporting FAI between 2010 and 2023. This partnership aligns with the Group's social policies, committed to raising customer awareness about the importance of respecting Italy's environmental and cultural heritage through acts of solidarity and conservation efforts.

"At Finiper Canova Group, we are proud to support the conservation of our country's natural and cultural heritage. Our donation accounts for 45% of the total funds raised by partner companies, making us the project's main partner. We firmly believe that the FAI's cause involves all of us and that everyone's participation is essential", says Stefano Borsoi, Marketing Director of Iper La grande i. "This is why, for 14 years, we have been at FAI's side to raise awareness on the importance of protecting and promoting our heritage through the synergy between our Iper La grande i and Unes supermarket brands."

Since 1975, the FAI — Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano, a non-profit organisation, has been conserving, restoring, and opening to the public some of Italy's most important cultural and natural heritage sites. Its mission revolves around cultivating a culture of respect for Italy’s nature, art, and traditions.
Now in its 15th edition, the “FAI October — The Future of Italy in Our Hands” initiative is running until October 31. For further details, visit
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