Balzoo and Finiper Canova Group are teaming up to organise a food drive for dogs and cats in need.
On Saturday, September 9, in all Iper stores — more than twenty across Lombardy, Piedmont, and Veneto — customers can join the initiative "La doppia spesa che fa bene al cuore" ("Shopping for Two Warms your Heart, Too"), created in partnership with Balzoo — Banco Italiano Zoologico APS ("Italian Animal Bank APS"), a non-profit association with a national footprint, whose aim is to assist people in need and their pets.

All food and essential items donated by Iper La grande I customers to help our furry friends will be collected and delivered by Balzoo volunteers across the surrounding area.

"This collection day is one in a series of activities designed to support local communities, families, and the areas near our stores," explains Michela Riva, ESG Manager of the Finiper Canova Group, to which Iper belongs. "Daily, Iper strives to be a cornerstone of the community and cherishes partnerships with other organisations to carry out important initiatives such as this campaign with BALZOO. We plan to continue supporting the many families who struggle to afford their pets' expenses and rely on community participation, hoping to provide meaningful, tangible assistance to everyone in need."

"This additional partnership enables us to help many more families and the caretakers of cat shelters. Working with the Iper La grande i hypermarket chain is essential — not only because it allows our volunteers to collect food to be donated, but also to raise awareness among consumers about an issue impacting around 2 million people in Italy, and encourages them to contribute to their community”, says Luigi Griffini, National President of Balzoo – Banco Italiano Zoologico APS.
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